Children in Families

Families and communities in Cambodia empowered to provide children with a safe and healthy childhood, enabling them to become healthy, positive adult members of their families and communities themselves.

Sunrise Children's Association, Inc. Australia

Thousands of children in Nepal continue to be separated from their families, as a result of trafficking or being enticed away from their families with the promise of a better life and education. Over 16,000 children reside in orphanages or other similar institutions, of which 70-80% are not orphans. Many continue to exploited, abused and denied of their basic rights.


Unbound partners with families living in poverty, empowering them to become self-sufficient 
and fulfill their desired potential.

Start Some Good

StartSomeGood is where people get together to change their world. We're the leading home of cause-driven crowdfunding, innovative partnerships and social entrepreneur education. Whether big or small, if you have an idea to change your world, or want to support people who do, we can help.

Free to Shine

WE  ARE: an independently-funded, nonprofit organisation founded in Australia, working to prevent sex trafficking in South East Asia.  Our work is child protection focused, human rights based, and designed to strengthen families & keep children in education.

Our Khmer team works with local authorities and communities to reach the most at-risk rural girls, reducing their vulnerability to trafficking by improving their access to education & providing them with social work support.


Oaktree is young people leading, demanding and creating a more just world. You can get involved right now:

Baby in Mind

Join us in helping parents build foundations for life-long mental health. We do this at the time that brain development is most rapid and when prevention has its greatest impact.

Families Australia

Families Australia is a national, not-for-profit, peak organisation that strives to improve the wellbeing of Australian families, especially the most vulnerable and marginalised. We do this by providing policy advice to the Australian Government and Parliament on behalf of more than 800 member organisations around Australia.

Adopt Change

Adopt Change is committed to working towards all children having access to a safe, nurturing and permanent family home upbringing. We also recognise the impact of childhood trauma, and provide a number of services and education, so that children and families can be supported and thrive. We also work with government, sector and community to seek changes to legislation and policies to better provide for children and families.

Child Fund

ChildFund Australia is an independent and non-religious international development organisation that works to reduce poverty for children in developing communities.